A mission cannot be without purpose. There must be a goal, an end toward which we are moving. In this sermon we discuss the ultimate goal God has an mind for the mission of his church. This goal is impressive, and it’s fulfillment is certain.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Luckily, when it comes to missional adversity, we can rely on solid biblical advice to help us through the difficult times. In this sermon, we unpack how to overcome the challenges we may face when it comes to fulfilling the mission of Jesus.
The best way to reach a goal is to make a plan. In this sermon, we will take a look at a winning strategy when it comes to reaching people for Jesus.
Both machines and biological organisms need a source of energy to function. It’s the way our world works. It shouldn’t surprise us, then, to realize that Christ’s mission requires a source of power. In this sermon, we discover what that power source is, and why it is important.
It can be difficult trying to say the right thing in the right way to maximize comprehension. But that shouldn’t stop us from trying. In this sermon, we will begin to understand the message we are called to proclaim to a world that needs to hear it.
It’s never fun getting left behind, but is it possible the church has unintentionally forgotten to include some individuals as the focus of their mission? In this sermon we’ll take a look at what Jesus meant by the phrase “all nations,” and challenge ourselves to leave no one behind!
It’s always nice to receive an invitation to something. It’s REALLY nice to receive an invitation from God himself. In this sermon, we discuss how God invites us to participate in his mission—if you choose to accept it!
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