Join us for worship services at

9:00 AM and 11:30 AM

Sabbath schools begin at 10:10 AM

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Wednesday Bible Study

A Good Family to Belong To

Everyone is welcome at Markham Woods Church. If you’re a long-time, baptized, active Seventh-day Adventist, you’re welcome. If you’re not a Seventh-day Adventist but feel blessed by fellowshipping with us, you’re welcome. If you lead out in a major ministry of the church, you’re welcome. If you just warm the pew, attend only occasionally and never officially join, you’re welcome. Our goal is to minister at whatever level and to whatever degree you feel a need. We don’t want you to dread coming to church because you feel you’re not playing a large enough role. We want you to participate in a manner appropriate to where your life is presently.


Highlighted Events

Current Month


01feb2:00 pm3:00 pmJoyful Noise Concert

02feb9:00 amSUNFLOWER 5K

05feb6:00 pmGrief Share

12feb6:00 pmGrief Share

19feb6:00 pmGrief Share

26feb6:00 pmGrief Share

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